Thursday, October 18, 2012

Post Cards from Paris Table...(The Real Post)

Yikes...I don"t know what I just did...I guess I hit publish, but I wasn't ready yet and then when I tried to deleted it...well...that didn't work either...DANG...anyway I apologies!!!

I'll make this post quick so my whole 98 followers don't give up on me...:) (LOVE YOU GUYS)

So this table started out as a rather plain jane table I got at a garage sale.  I painted the base a light grey...

And then sanded the top.
I got my inspiration for the top from Red Hen Home...Her Coffee Table is a must to check out... 

After sanding the top, I stained it with a light pecan stain that I had at home.  And then headed off to the Graphics Fairy to get me some.....well graphics...of course!
I printed up what I needed and traced them with carbon paper onto the table.
The Eiffel tower was the only one I didn't get from Graphics Fairy...hers were a little to complicated for ME...
I needed something more simple and easier to paint!!!

After painting the top I gave it a light sanding and then distressed the bottom...
Gave it a coat of finish and Vaa Laa ...It was done.

Well that's it in a nut shell...
Thanks for visiting!!!

I will be linking up to many of those parties on my side check them out!


  1. I just made it 99 followers! Love the base of the table - all those curves! Wonderful job on the top. I love the images on the Graphic Fairy and use them often. Come over and learn reverse Mod Podge for transferring images. It is hard at first, but gets easier every time and it is quicker than tracing.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  2. Nice makeover. I love the whimsical images.

  3. Hey, I just made your 100th follower!!
    Great transformation on the table. I've not used any of Graphics Fairy images yet. I need to go spend some time at her site. Anyhow, great looking table! I hope that you'll come by to visit my blog too.

  4. that looks so cool- i love the eiffel tower image!

  5. I so want to do the whole postage stamp idea on a desk. Thanks for the example. It looks so GREAT!!!

  6. i love this table, Thank you so much for linking up.UK Cheapest Online Beds Store
