Thursday, January 17, 2013

Awesome Chalkboard Coffee Table

 OK...This is by far the BEST, MOST AWESOME piece of furniture I have done!!!
The only reason I can give it up is the colors don't go at all in my house.  :)

Don't cha just love it?

When I saw it at the Good Will I knew I had to have it!!!
I loved the shape of it (especially the legs), it has a Mid-Century Modern feel.

The top had some burn marks on it, but other than that it was in good shape and made of solid wood.
So after my lovely husband sanded it for me I painted it with several coats  BEHR Ultra in "Full Moon." 

I then taped off the area for the chalkboard and painted it with Krylon Chalkboard paint....It felt to white, so I added jade("Winter Surf") to the inside of the legs...better
But it was still missing something...I then added "Hollyhock Pink" around the edge (a Martha Stewart color, also from Home Depot). 

I loved the way the jade was just a little surprise on the inside of the legs but it didn't show well and it was a great color !!!  Sooo.....

I added two jade stripes to the top....Perfect! 

Here it is sitting in front of my couch... 
My son's girl friend wanted it for her bed room but then decided she needed a smaller version for her dorm room next year.  :)  
Well that's it for now and thanks for letting me brag!!!
Of course I will be linking up to those rockin parties on my side bar!! 


  1. That is too cute! Love the color combinations that you added too. The table looks awesome~Fantastic job!! Congrats on finding a solid wood piece, I've noticed that is very hard to do anymore. At least in my neck of the woods, everything just about has veneer tops, so I always just leave them. When I find solid wood "anything" I snatch it right up.

  2. Cute table! I love the mug drawn on it! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

  3. Awesome table! We found you via Favorite Friday Linky Party at I’m Not a Trophy Wife.

  4. That's a neat neat table - cool makeover . . . I remember the day I hated painted wood - wonder what happened to those days? I love the way you painted this table and those legs are really neat - Enjoyed my visit - thanks, Jenn (via Liz's TTT)

  5. Great table. It's featured tomorrow at I'm Not a Trophy Wife. Please grab a button and code on my sidebar ! Love it!
