Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ear Warmer and Fingerless Gloves DIY

Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Are you ready for another year of crafting?  I sure am...I have so many ideas in my head it almost makes me dizzy.  :)
(I know for a fact it drives my family nuts)!

The other day I was working on 4 different projects at one time...while trying to put my Christmas decorations away...
I love the Holidays...My house is all clean and ready for company...but it also means all my crafts (except for knitting)  are put away.  You see I tend to craft all thought the house.  :)  The thing is...I like to be with my family so I work in whatever room they are in and then tend to leave little messes behind...That is something I'll be trying to improve in the New Year!!!

Anyway....Here's  a little project I finished just after Christmas...(I started it before but ran out of time).  :)
I found this wonderful striped sweater at the Good Will and knew I would have to make something out of it!

After felting or shrinking it in the washer I cut the bottom of the sleeves to make the fingerless gloves.  I made these ones 8" long and cut the thumb hole 3" down from the finger end.  I then sewed around the arms with a Zig-Zag stitch on my sewing machine...I love the way it make a slight ruffle. 
Because of the stripes they didn't need much embellishing so I just added 3 pink buttons to each glove.

Now for the ear warmers I had a little more trouble...mainly because I have never made them before, but this was the perfect fabric...So it was time to learn!!

 I made a pattern by tracing around a fleece one that both Autumn and I liked.  I then laid the pattern out on my sweater and cut 2  pieces...The plan was to sew them together and then turn it inside out, so the seams were on the inside...But I didn't like the way it laid and it looked just fine with the seam on the outside (remember the wool fabric is felted so it won't fray).
I sewed two vintage buttons on, cut out the Button holes (planning on sewing around them later) and put it on my lovely model..Autumn.....
She can make anything look good!!!

So there it is my first project on 2013....Now it's your turn give something new a try!!!

I hope this year turns out better than planned full of lovely surprises!!
(I will be again linking up to many of the awesome parties on my side bar)!


  1. Adorable project! Coming to you from the Trash to Treasure link up. Thanks for sharing your craft with us!

  2. Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a stash of ugly old sweaters. I'm totally going to do this - SOMEday! :) Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Just featured this on my facebook page... Thanks for joining the party!

  4. Neat idea. I love using recycled materials like this.

  5. Featuring this tonight. :) And I copied you... but my sweater wasn't near as cute. And I did leg warmers instead of fingerless gloves and my 2 year old cut one of them up - Noooooo! :(

  6. Too cute! I love upcycled and all things green.
