Monday, February 18, 2013

Felted Wool Slug

I think I mentioned I've been in a sewing mood lately....but to be honest I'm in a crafting mood...I think maybe that's my great escape...When things get tough I get creative...It keeps my mind from hyper focusing on things I can do nothing about.  

My goal is to see how many things I can get out of a Mossy Green Wool Sweater that I felted....
and so far this little guy is my Favorite!

I started him on Super Bowl Sunday while my family was all up in the Bonus Room watching the big game.

Using my chalk pencil I drew his shape on a fold in the sweater...cut it out and opened it when your cutting paper hearts.  I Needle felted the stems and the leaves and then sewed the button "flowers" on.

I planed on stuffing him with dried beans but there were none in the house to I opted for rice and of course some Lavender.

I love the way he turned out and would defiantly use the rice again!

Although when I made this little guy I thought of him as a Slug...He makes a great book worm too!  :)

I will be linking up to the many parties on my side check the out, they are full of wonderful ideas!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh that is just way too cute! I like him as a book worm! Found you over at Inspiring Creativity and I'm glad i did! Your blog is new to me and I like it. Happy to be following via GFC and looking forward to more!

  2. Lovely! He is just way too cute! Featuring this on Saturday ~ have a great week :)

  3. He is wonderful. I would have never thought to add lavendar and rice inside! My creations are always falling over because they have no weight. Great idea!!

  4. LOL...I forgot and stuffed my first one with fiber fill. This was really my second...and I like him much better. :)

  5. this is a Friday Feature at I'm Not a Trophy Wife! Please grab the button on my sidebar! Thanks so much!!! Too cute!

  6. Very cute! I like him sitting on the books. I have a newer link party and would love if you would come on over and share your post or social media sites.

  7. This made me giggle. How cute. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  8. When I saw your picture I immediately thought: bookworm!
    And you did too apparently....!

    So adorable!

    thanks for showing him off.... :)

    hugs x
