Monday, February 4, 2013

"Paris in Spring" Occasional Table

So I've been trying to finish a piece of furniture a week ...which isn't easy now that I'm back to work at the nursery...but I do think I organize my time better when I have a lot going on....
The thing I don't always get done is my blog post and sometimes I wait way to long to respond to your WONDERFUL comments so I do apologize!!

Anyhow, I finished this piece last week and I am so pleased with it!!  I got it last summer at a garage sale and knew then, I wanted to decoupage the top...The original plan was put a map with Point No Point (Our very favorite beach) on it.... but I couldn't find one with the colors I wanted.

So I got on Etsy and searched maps...They had a ton of maps and fabric with  travel themes.

I found two that I liked and purchased from Loris Country Fabrics.  The other is going on a "Suitcase Coffee table"...but that will be another post.  :)

Don't you just love the fabric???

Here's my before picture...Man do I miss summer!  I purchased the other two tables at the same time....Look how green my yard was...Heavy Sigh.  :(

I painted it with homemade chalk paint and then distressed it all over...I like the way the black came through when sanded!!

I cut the fabric a little smaller than the table top...and then used Mod Podge to adhere it.
I put on several coats of Mod Podge and then sealed the whole thing with polycrylic.

My son's girl friend liked it so much that we covered the top of her table with the same fabric....
She painted her's pink.....too cute (although not the best picture..sorry)!!

Well that's it for now but stay in touch I have a lot more to come!  :)
Will be linking up to many of the parties on my side bar!

I decided top enter this little project in:

You have got to go there and check out all the other awesome projects...It's the best of the best!!


  1. Those turned out beautiful. I love that fabric too!

  2. So cute. Small tables are a great asset to most any decor. And yours are a load of fun. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  3. Love your tables - such pretty colors! well done!

  4. I love this table. I love the colrs and the print. Awesome job! I just started a new link party and would love for you to come over and share your post or any social media sites. Talkin’ About Thursday -

  5. Love this table. I'm a new follower from

  6. LOVE the fabric idea, what a gorgeous print!!

  7. pretty!! love your "stash" there from the summer... and I long for the green grass to return too......... *sigh*

  8. Love the colors on this table. I'm featuring it in the PoPP Spotlight this week. Thanks for linking up.

  9. Hi, I really liked the fabric you chose and it came out so well. Will need to find some of that fabric for myself. Thanks for sharing.


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