Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hello Friends

Good morning friends, I have missed you all!!  My last blog post was July 2015....YIKES

A lot has happened since then that has kept me away form my blog and much crafting...
it's all good of course...except for the part about not blogging and crafting...I had know idea how much I would miss this little blog and my handful of friends.

So whats going on you might ask?

It's not that I have exciting news or that it's any kind of a big of a deal but I am now managing a little floral shop (I'm not allowed to say where) but between working full time, my daughters senior year in high school and her club volleyball travels, well there just isn't much time left in the day....


So there it commitment to you ...well mostly to me...

Put out one post a week even if it's just a lovely bouquet or flowers..

Like this one for Molly (love that girl)...Purple and Gold for NK Senior Night.... 


So hopefully you all will join me on my new adventure as a fledgling florist and an almost empty nester.

There will be more flowers post than ever before...but who doesn't like flowers?

I plan on finishing my 1960's trailer this summer so you might want to stayed tuned for that...Here's a sneak peek...

And of course I will continue to share my hand stitching...

And Jewelry making...

And lets not forget farm life...

 So there it is...I guess I have more to blog about than I thought...

Looking forward to reconnecting with all of you!!

God Bless and thanks for stopping by,



  1. Hi, Denise! Glad to see you are back. I missed your furniture projects, jewelry, and your fabric creations. Also the photos of the critters.

    1. Awe....Thank you Donna!
      Lets hope I can really stay on top of things. I've enjoyed my blog and all of you way to much to just let it disappear into oblivion.

  2. I am so envious, I would love to work in a flower shop! I was just telling someone this weekend that floral arranging is something I would love to learn. Enjoy your daughters senior year, it is such a fun one!


    1. Thank you Carol. I do enjoy my job, it's a good fit for a crafty gardener like me. As for the senior year it's speeding by and I want to hang on to every moment and it just isn't possible. I know that in less than a year she'll be gone and the thought of it makes me tear up.
