Burnt Sienna is this weeks color for project 64....Which was far to easy to find in my garden....
This little guy sits on a fence post to greet all who enter...His arms are made to hold a peanut. :)
He was made by one of my favorite local artist Victoria....I tried to find a web page for her but couldn't do so...If our paths cross again, I will defiantly get her info so I can pass it on to all of you!!!
I also found Burnt Sienna in the new leaves and buds on my Red Sargent Viburnum...Lovely.....
But now for the not so lovely you could say the "Bad and the Ugly"....
This winter did a number no all of my Hebe's...YIKES
This is a hedge I planted many years ago...I got the Hebe's at Rite Aid super cheap. I was planing on making a water garden behind it his summer...but now I need to rethink the hedge too...
Can you find the crayon? |
This one is in my front garden...I stuck the crayon amongst it's dead leaves...It blends in all to well!! :(
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