Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Coffee Table / Pet Bed

Ever since I saw this floating around the Internet, I've been dying to make one...A coffee table converted into a Pet Bed...What a great idea!!!   Anyway it wasn't hard to get Autumn on board (If it has to do with pets...she's in)!!  So we hit some garage sales and ended up with two tables...I think we'll paint the next one black.  :)

Calico really likes this idea!

This is the first one we found...it was in grate shape and only cost $5.00....Because really.....who would want a  fake wood Formica tables out of the 70's???? 

We took the doors and the magnets that kept them shut off and then filled the holes with Glazing Putty (It was what we had around the house...after all my Son and Husband are "Motor Heads"...and they said "It will work great!!

Next step was to paint it with a primer (Zinsser, Cover Stain Primer).
Just one coat.

I then painted it with three coats of Valspar's Premium Decorator Enamel in Dover white.

To make the cushion I measured the inside of the table...Then using the old string and pen trick made marked and cut out a circle to fit...sew...fill TA-DA Done.  :)

I must say we are sooo happy with the finished project and are planning to move it to Autumns room... a night stand for her and a get away for Callie.  :)

I'm linking up to my favorite Parties (on my side bar) ...
Please check them out...there are so many great ideas roaming around you don't want to be left out!!
PS: leave a comment...I would love to know who has stoped by!


  1. Hello there and nice to meet you! This is a really cute idea and you did a great job on the table! I bet your kitty just loves it as they like cubby hole type of things anyway.

    Love your patio furniture painted the light green spray paint. Also could you tell me where you got your tiki-like outdoor umbrella? I just love that !

    Have a great day!

  2. This is adorable! Looks like you kitty is loving it too! Great idea.

  3. very clever and useful! looks like it's loved!

  4. It IS a great idea, and Calico looks TICKLED PINK!!

  5. Great job, it looks so pretty:-)
    Hugs, Biljana

  6. That is a perfect little pet bed, smart thinking! Thanks for linking up to Beyond the Picket Fence.

  7. I love this idea! I've seen the piano bench beds but not this one- love it :) so cozy! Thanks so much for sharing at Transformations and Treasures!

  8. Hi Denise, I can't seem to find your email address to contact you privately but wanted to let you know that I'm passing on the Butterfly Award to you! Love your colourful blog with so many great ideas. You can check out the post here: http://etcetorize.blogspot.com/2011/07/butterfly-award.html Have a great day~ Tamara

  9. Wow what a pawesome idea. This could also work for small dogs as well. i am loving it.

  10. Gosh , what an excellent idea for a pet bed !!!! I had the set of coffee and end tables exactly like that !! Got rid of them a long time ago !!! Sure wish I had them back now !!! My cats would surely love to have a bed like that !!!! Awesome job !!!!!!!

  11. How cute and practical, too! Wish my dog was smaller...or I find a wider coffee table/end table. Your cushion is beautiful! Found you at Oldie but a Goodie.

  12. Yours turned out fabulous.I just found a table like this for $3.I've been wanting to make since i saw one a while back on the internet too.

  13. This site is really cool! I found here alot of information that I was looking for. I am really happy to be a part of This site!.bestreviewscribe

  14. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information pet bed



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