Friday, April 30, 2010
April's Stocking is Done!
Here it is the long a waited April Stocking...I really did finish it in April...I promise...but this darn old computer..I mean this wonderful computer locked up and I couldn't post it...and then I was off to the Races.....sounds like an excuse but it's TRUE.....I did finished it on the 29th.. which was was the 2nd to last day in April, but none the less I finished it on time!
In case your wondering what all the rambling is about...I made this commitment to myself that I would complete a Stocking a Month ...this way I won't be trying to get them all done right before the holiday rush...Good Idea, eh? Anyway ....This is my latest Stocking...
Dove Tree
My Dove tree is in full bloom right now and I thought it was worth sharing...It's one of the few exotic trees I've planted, that my cow didn't ruin before it reached a safe size. (She liked to knock them down with her horns...great fun.)
I'm not sure what the proper name for this tree is ... I don't remember names I can't pronounce!! Anyway I love it and I love this picture too!!...Maybe I should get doves this summer.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
An Etsy Rainy Day
It's such a rainy morning here in Poulsbo...too rainy to work in the garden...I think I'll go for a walk with my Mother.
Doesn't his little girl just make you smile?? She reminds me of my Autumn ...She can't resist a good rain!
This is the perfect t-shirt for a day like today...well actually most the days here in the pacific Northwest. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010
iheartfaces photo challenge...Autumn
This is my entry for the iheartfaces "smiles" photo challenge.....There is something about this picture of Autumn that just fills the heart with joy!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Get a gun...Get a gun!
Early the other morning as I was working in my kitchen, I glanced out my window and saw a "Clever coyote" chasing down my favorite hen ...ok ok, they're all my favorite hens......
But this one is probably my most photographed hen ...I even did an oil painting of her!
Isn't she lovely?
Anyway this coyote was big and beautiful just like the one above...but it was after my hen...not acceptable....So I ran out of the house and started chasing the coyote, that was chasing my hen, hollering at the top of my lungs to "get out of here" and at the same time to my husband to "get a gun, get a gun"....I was a bit out of control!!
As that "bad coyote" disappeared into the woods I turned around and saw my husband and my daughter standing on the deck starring in astonishment at what they had just seen.
Finally my daughter asked the question: What did you want dad to do with a gun...He couldn't have shot at the coyote ....with you chasing after it!!!
I smiled and answered "Of course not!!! I just wanted him to shoot in the air, to scare it off.
The truth is: That Clever Coyote is like us, he too, is just trying to survive in this crazy world!"
(I just don't want him surviving on my hens!!!) ;0
Monday, April 19, 2010
My peas are up.
Today while I was working in the garden I noticed my peas were 2" high....So in honor of them, I am posting 2 of my favorite "Etsy peas":
Two peas in a pod necklace by Lulu Bug jewelry
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
This Morning I Awoke to the Sound of Birds Singing
As I stepped outside this morning I was greeted with the joyful sound of birds singing!!!
It filled my heart and I shall carry it with me!
Friday, April 9, 2010
A Frogs Visit
Last night someone came to visit...Maybe he came in to play my sons Guitar....
Maybe not.
Philosphical Mossy Tree Frog

Last I night sat down in my favorite chair to read my new book on blogging. (Thats kind of funny isn't it?) This is my third week of blogging and just can't get the darn computer to do what I want it to do!! Like there has to be an easier way to copy and link all the wonderful artist I keep finding on etsy!!!...Why is it that the only way I can link up to their shops is by leaving that ugly URL and everyone else shows the name and you just click on it??? Am I making any sense?? ANYWAY...I look up and see the cutest green tree frog climbing up my wall. After snapping a few pictures we carefully showed him the way out...Garrets guitar is just to big for him!!

I love this frog by Elizabeth!! Her etsy shop is Scatches should defiantly check it out!
Rrrrbibit Ring
Another wonderful etsy artist created this ring: Her shop is EmeliaRo and guess what she also bloggs: ... Do you think she could help me???
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Christmas in April???
Christmas in April you might ask....Well not really...Here's the thing.... I Love to make Christmas stockings out of upcycled wool sweaters...but I never get "in the mood" until, oh about October. That's the problem!! I sell them in my etsy shop and I never have enough!!! Soooo this year I vowed to do at least one stocking a month until October.
I figure by puttin this in my Blog, it will help keep me on track....Plus everyone gets to see my stockings early....I can't wait to show you this months...It's turning out so cute!
It's not a bad idea :)
christmas stockings,
upcycled sweaters
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Love My Chicks Butt...
For those of you who follow my sons blog,, you know that he and a buddy brought home some chicks the other day....
Two of the little gals ended up with a problem that's not uncommon to chicks, but can kill them. Their little poo was collecting to their back end and stopping anymore from coming out .... that's not good, (neither was trying to clean them up)!! I called the feed store who said we probably could have prevented the problem by adding ground scratch to their feed...Sure wish they had mentioned that in the first place... I had a house full of guest and a chick that peeped at the top of her lungs all night long!! I even got up at 1:00 in the morning to clean her feathery little butt.....Man, did I ever have some tired company the nest morning!! :)
Oh well that's life on the farm......And to think my cousin complained about having to sleep with the lizard...but that another story.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Walking the dogs on etsy
Here are a couple of my Etsy favorites, inspired by our walk in the park! The Tuesday morning Boardwalk" print reminds me of the Silverdale trail!! Check it out!
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Autumn modeling a hat I knit for my etsy shop...What energy!!