Here's a fun little Valentines project I did with the kids in my after school art class
(grades K-5)....
(Autumn helped me paint and plan this simple lesson)...
The first thing we did is paint the trunk...talking about how it is larger at the bottom or base and then gets smaller as it goes up. I know this sounds basic but it isn't for them...even after the directions a couple of the younger kids still drew a very thick trunk with branches growing out the top.
We also discussed how the branches grow in the same way...larger at the base where they are attached to the tree getting skinnier as they grow towards the sky.
Autumn painted most of her branches in before she add the hearts....
I painted my trunk and just a couple of the main branches and then started in on the hearts... adding the smaller branches later.
For class we decide the best way to go, was to have the kids paint the trunk, large branches along with most of their smaller ones before they added the hearts.
I always give the kids a scrape piece of paper to blend colors on and I had them use it to practice painting hearts, getting my approval before they got to add any to their tree....This gave me the opportunity to work with the kids who were struggling.
Here are some AWESOME results. :)
I love this picture (above) it is the perfect example of what I try to teach the kids, that when you think you made a mistake...Turn it into something great! :) Which is just what this student did!!....
Water color accidentally got splashed on her painting so she covered it up by adding more dots...brilliant!!!
Here are more trees...
each one as unique
and lovely...
as the child...
that painted it!!!
Well have a great week and
take some time to volunteer at your school...
you will truly be amazed !!!
(I will yet again, be linking up to many of those parties in my side bar)