Yippee...I finally found it that elusive color I've been lookin for all week INDIGO...Oddly enough it was right here in my studio all the time!! (Isn't that the way it always goes?)
I now edit all my pictures in Picnik (I hope you can see the difference)...Anyway I used Panography for this one and really liked the effect!!! What do you think?
Here's a shot of my ceramic painting desk with my Indigo plate I use for paints...I'm trying to get more chalkboard pendants done for Etsy....not to mention my Garden Gnomes would be perfect for St. Patty's day!!!
This hat I just finished...You might have seen it in my "Warm and Cozy Sunday" post...it was still on the needles then...
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Well thanks for visiting and if you haven't joined yet....Please play along it's loads of fun!!!

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