Wow...Last week was wild...ok maybe not really wild but VERY BUSY!!! I started a new job..It's seasonal work at a friends nursery and I love it!!! At the same time my "Knitting Support" class that I teach for Parks and Rec. began it's winter session and it was the second week of the kids art class I teach for the little guys....On top of that I had to run to Children's Hospital on Saturday to pick up more Diabetes supplies for Autumn....Did I mention I now head up the Nursery at my church?
So why am I telling you all of might ask????
Because I never got a chance to hook up to Project 64 color "Chestnut" for last week and I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS!!!
So I decide to go ahead and post my picture even though it's to late to link up.
This was my Dads suitcase and I love the warm "Chestnut Brown" color!!
The best part is that it still has his name and handwriting on the tags....He passed away 2 years ago and I still miss him each and every day! ! :(

LOVE YA DAD!!! This week color is "Robin Egg Blue...Hopefully I"ll get this color up in time....Why don't you join me....It's way fun!!!